Tricia Roberts started as STC's executive director mid-season during the 2021-2022 season. Hailing from Sheboygan, Tricia is not new to STC. Her first role was Gretel in STC's Sound of Music in 1998. Playing different roles through her adolescence, she felt like STC was her home away from home. After graduating, she pursued theatre at Millikin University in Illinois. Eventually, she moved back to Sheboygan to earn her teaching degree from Lakeland University.
After teaching English and directing the theatre department at Oostburg High School, Tricia changed courses yet again to stay home with her oldest son, Hugh. She continued her journey into the non-profit world by becoming the Educational Coordinator at the Plymouth Arts Center until finally moving into the Executive Director role at STC.
Getting to return to STC has been a dream come true. She's thrilled to be leading an organization that has become home away from home again and hopes to continue to help make the progress necessary to thrive for seasons to come.
Tricia and her husband, Tom, have three children together: Hugh, Liv, and Vaughn, and one sassy pup, Pippa.